Dernières Publications

The Norbert Zongo prize for journalism of investigation

The CNP-NZ is pleased to remind you that the call for application for ” The Norbert Zongo prize for journalism of investigation ” is open since May 3, 2009.

The Norbert Zongo prize for journalism of investigation is a prize of excellence created by the Norbert Zongo National Press Center in memory of the journalist and director of the «L’ Indépendant “, assassinated on December 13, 1998. It is a tribute to the man of the press and journalist of investigation that Norbert Zongo was.

The Prize is opened to all the professional journalists of Africa who are regularly employed in Medias or collaborating with Medias of Africa.

You will find attached, the rules, the conditions of the prize, the composition of prices and other important information about the competition.

The deadline for application is October 20, 2011.

Works must have been published or broadcast between May 3, 2010 and May 3, 2011,

For further information please contact the CNP-NZ
04 BP 8524 Ouagadougou 04 – Burkina Faso – Tel. : (226) 50 34 41 89 / 50 34 37 45 –Fax : (226) 50 34 37 45
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The Norbert Zongo prize for journalism of investigation

The Norbert Zongo prize for journalism of investigation is a prize of excellence created by the Norbert Zongo National Press Center in memory of the journalist and director of the ” L’ Indépendent “, assassinated on December 13, 1998 on the road of Sapouy, Burkina Faso. It is a tribute to the man of the press and journalist of investigation.

It aims at promoting the journalism of investigation, research, on relevant political, economic, social and cultural issues. It consists in:
– reinforcing the importance of the role of the journalist.
– recognizing the talents of journalists.
– promoting a journalism of investigation, checking information on relevant political, economic, social and cultural issues.
– Rewarding courage, determination and the respect of deontological principles of journalism.

By 2011, the Prize is opened to all the professional journalists of Africa who are regularly employed in a news agency.

N.B Only works in English and French are accepted. Works in another language should be translated into English or French.

Works must be published or broadcast between May 3, 2010 and May 3, 2011

The competition will be in three categories: News Papers, Radio and Television.
Newspapers – send the original and a copy of the story.
Television – send 2 copies VHS or DVD of the story.
Radio – send 2 audio cassettes or 2 CDs of the story.

The deadline for the reception of the candidatures is September 30, 2011

The winner of every category will receive a diploma, a trophy and One Million CFA francs (1.000.000 CFA).

First price any category: the “SEBGO” 2011
Among the winners of the three categories, the jury will attribute the first prize to the journalist whose work deserves being granted the «SEBGO» 2011, be it in the category of newspaper, TV or Radio. In addition to the prize in his category, the winner of the «SEBGO» 2011 will receive another one million CFA (1.000. 000 F CFA), a diploma and a trophy symbolizing the “SEBGO”.

The Jury
The members will be chosen by the Norbert Zongo National Press Center, among highly skilled professionals of communication, famous defenders of the freedom of the press and human rights, living in the West African sub-region.
They will be five:
– 03 (three) professionals of communication;
– 01(one) representative of news agencies
– 01 (one) human rights activist;

– The professionalism of the author (through the respect of deontology);
– The “search for information” strategies;
– The relevance and originality of the subject;
– The interest of topic (can it be exploited?);
– The evidence of the difficulties encountered by the author (checking the various sources of information for reliability)
– The editorial style (concrete, lively and accessible to everyone)
– Etc
These practical but not exhaustive requirements will be supplemented by other considerations such as the decorum, the make-up, the effort of a judicious restitution of the context or the environment of the event (music for example).

The candidature package should comprise:

•a declaration of candidature on a plain paper with a complete indication of the identity of the candidate (name, first names, pseudonym);

•a certificate of the media confirming his membership or his collaboration with the media which have published his work

•a C.V of the candidate, bearing his photograph

•a handwritten and signed declaration authorizing the Centre National de Presse Norbert Zongo to use his/her name, voice, images and the whole of the work in case he/she is gifted, without any compensation and on all media supports, within the framework of publicity, public relations or information on the Prize.

Rules and regulations hereRules & regulation




The articles that thousands of burkinabè read every Tuesday morning were written by Norbert ZONGO alias Henri SEBGO, born on July 31, 1949 at Koudougou, hundred kilometers west of Ouagadougou.

After being a teacher between 1969 and 1978, he found his true vocation in journalism. He will study journalism at the Institut Supérieur du Conseil de l’Entente of Lomé (Togo), and at the Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme of Yaoundé(Cameroon). On his return, in the second half of the 80’s he will first work with Sidwaya, the daily state newspaper. The liberalization in the field of the media leads him to collaborate with private newspapers like ” Le Journal du Jeudi “, “La Clef”. His critical analyses of the national political life pushed the governmental authorities to assign him to Banfora, 450 km from Ouagadougou. Norbert ZONGO was a civil servant. He resigned and launched his L’Indépendant in May 1993.

His newspaper will acquire a growing fame very quickly. He denounces the various African political régimes, without fear. But Norbert’s newspaper especially reveals businesses implying President Blaise Compaoré’s régime.

Talented and rigorous journalist, he dealt with economic, political and blood crimes. He will be assassinated when highlighting the assassination of David OUEDRAOGO, the driver of Blaise COMPAORE’s junior brother.

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